Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair Quick Start Guide COPYRIGHT: Under the copyright laws, neither the documentation nor the software may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form, in whole or part, without the prior written consent of Knowledge Adventure, Inc., except in the manner described in the documentation. 1996 Knowledge Adventure, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Director's Chair and Knowledge Adventure are trademarks and Knowledge Adventure Logo is a registered trademark of Knowledge Adventure, Inc. DreamWorks Interactive L.L.C. All rights reserved. DreamWorks SKG Interactive is a trademark of DreamWorks L.L.C. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Digital font outline data licensed from Weatherly Systems, Inc., (C) 1996. All other product names referenced herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. Required and Recommended Hardware/Software Windows 95 or Windows 3.1/3.11 486 DX2-66 or higher Double speed CD-ROM drive 8 MB RAM 40 MB available on hard drive (12 MB install, need 28 MB open during gameplay) 16-bit sound card SVGA 256-colors graphics adapter Mouse Installation Windows 95 Insert Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair CD number 1 into your CD-ROM drive. Click Yes when it asks you if you want to install the product. Select Express Installation. Let the installer copy its files to your hard drive. Click Yes when asked if you would like to restart your computer. Or, select Custom installation if you want to: Specify where on your hard drive you want the product installed (c:\dc is the default). Manually select or name the program folder for the Director's Chair Startup icon (Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair is the default). Install the KA sound driver manually, using Windows 95's control panel. If your CD-ROM drive does not support AutoPlay, then follow these instructions to install Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair: Click on Start. Move cursor to Settings. Click on Control Panel. Double click on Add/Remove Programs. Click on Install. Click on Next. Follow the prompts to complete the install. Note: The installer checks your machine for the latest version of QuickTime for Windows. If your machine does not have QuickTime for Windows installed, Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair will install it. If you have an earlier version installed, Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair will ask you to upgrade. Most users will have best performance with their Windows 95 color palette set to 256 colors. See below for instructions. Windows 3.1/3.11 Insert Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair CD number 1 into your CD-ROM drive. In the Windows Program Manager click on File and choose Run. Type D:\setup. (If your CD-ROM drive is mapped to a letter other than D, use that letter instead.) Follow the installation dialog box instructions. If you want to choose where on your hard drive the installer puts this product, or not install Win G, perform a custom install. Note: For better performance, set your PC's display to 640 x 480, 256-colors. Consult your video card's documentation for instructions. Using 256 Colors Windows 95 To make Windows 95 use a 256 color palette, perform the following steps: Click on "Start." Move cursor to "Settings." Click on "Control Panel." Double-click "Display." Click the "Settings" tab. Ensure that "256 Color" appears in the "Color palette" list box. Click "Apply." Click "Yes" to restart your computer and make new settings take effect. Windows 3.1/3.11 If you use Windows 3.1/3.11 refer to your video card's documentation to learn how to ensure that Windows is using 256 colors. Getting Started ENTERING Note: Before running Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair, we recommend that you close all other programs. Windows 95 This product uses the AutoPlay feature of Windows 95. Just insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive and click Yes when the dialog box appears to run the program. If your CD-ROM drive does not support AutoPlay, follow these instructions to run Director's Chair: Click on Start. Move cursor to Programs and then to the Director's Chair folder. Click on the Director's Chair icon. Windows 3.1/3.11 Start the program by double-clicking the icon marked Director's Chair in the Director's Chair program group. EXITING To exit Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair go into the Studio Operations building and click the Options Bar on the computer screen. A menu will appear and you will be given the option to exit the game. In Windows 95, you can press Alt+F4 to exit. Useful Keys Esc - Stops any movie from playing. M - Brings the menu bar to the top of the screen. This lets you move from place to place more quickly than scrolling across the studio lot. The M key is active only when youÕre outside, on the studio lot. F1 - Turns your cursor into the Help pager. Then, click this Pager cursor on the object you have a question about. Help! The Pager Easy to use help is available through the pager you'll receive when you sign in at Studio Operations. If you click the Pager once, your cursor turns into a Pager icon (or press F1). If you click this Pager cursor on certain objects in the game, an enlarged pager will appear to give you details about that object. Using Pop-up Help To get more detailed Help inside one of the studio lot buildings (for example, studio operations, pre-production, or editing), click on the enlarged pager's PA Pager button. You'll see an even larger Help screen designed for the room you're visiting. Click a numbered feature within that screen to get more help on a given item. From this enlarged Help screen, you can print Help text, access the User's Guide, or watch a live action tutorial in which your PA explains how that area of the game works. Printing the User's Guide To print Director's Chair's built-in User's Guide, first access the User's Guide through the pager, then click the Print button on the left hand page underneath the yellow post-it note. This is opposite the Table of Contents. If you want to read or print the guide without first entering Director's Chair, then open the stand alone User's Guide from the Director's Chair program group. Sending Your Movies Across the Web Not only does Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair put you in charge of one of the best casts and crews in Hollywood, it gives you access to something very powerful: the ability to distribute your work through the internet. That's right. You can send your movie file to audiences all over the globe by using the Internet. Do more than direct a great film, distribute it World Wide. To do this you will need a modem and a subscription to an Internet service provider. Once you've established a connection to the Internet, simply attach your movie file to e-mail and send it to other Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair players anywhere in the world. To save your movie for exchanging, make sure you have first selected a movie in Director's Chair by clicking that movie's slate in the Studio Operations building (this is the building right in front of you as you step onto the lot). Now, to export this movie, click the Options title bar on the computer monitor in Studio Operations. When the drop-down menu appears, click Export. When the "Save this movie to" dialog box appears, simply enter a filename and hit the Save button. Note: You won't be able to export your movie as a file until you've started its script and given it a name in preproduction. To learn more about attaching a file to an e-mail, consult the documentation or online help included with your e-mail software. Check-out our website for further updates. Software License Agreement Notice to User: It is important that you read this document before using the enclosed software (the "Software"). By using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. This is a legal document between you (the "User") and Knowledge Adventure ("KA"). SOFTWARE LICENSE License Grant. KA grants User a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to use the Software with compatible equipment. Copying. This software is licensed for use on a single computer in a single location. Any copying of the software is prohibited. Other Restrictions. User may not loan, lease, distribute or transfer the Software or copies thereof, nor reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to discern the source code of the Software. Title. Title to the Software is not transferred to User. Ownership of the enclosed copy of the Software and of copies made by User is vested in KA, subject to the rights granted to User in this Agreement. LIMITED WARRANTY Limited Warranty. KA warrants that the medium upon which the Software is provided by KA to User shall be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of 90 days from the date of User's receipt thereof. Disclaimer. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED HEREIN, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF PERFORMANCE OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. USER BEARS ALL RISK RELATING TO QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. The performance of the Software varies with various manufacturersÕ equipment with which it is used. KA does not warrant that the Software or the functions contained in the Software will meet User's requirements, operate without interruption or be error free. Limitation of Liability. User's exclusive remedy for breach by KA of its limited warranty shall be replacement of any defective medium upon its return to KA within the warranty period, or if KA is unable to provide a replacement which is free of defect, refund of the license fee paid by User with respect to such medium. In no event will KA be liable for any lost profits or other damages, including direct, indirect incidental, special consequential or any other type of damages, arising out of this Agreement or the use of the Software licensed hereunder, even if KA has been advised of the possibility of such damages. GENERAL PROVISIONS Term and Termination. User may terminate this Agreement by ceasing all use of the Software and destroying all copies thereof. KA may terminate this Agreement if User commits a material breach hereof. Upon any termination of this Agreement, User shall cease all use of the Software, destroy all copies thereof then in its possession and take such other actions as KA may reasonably request to ensure that no copies of the Software remain in its possession. Effect of Agreement. This Agreement embodies the entire understanding between the parties with respect to, and supersedes any prior understanding or agreement, oral or written, relating to the Software. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of California. General Provisions. Neither this Agreement nor any part or portion hereof shall be assigned, sublicensed or otherwise transferred by User. Should any provision of this Agreement be held to be void, invalid, unenforceable or illegal by a court, the validity and enforceability of the other provisions shall not be affected thereby. Failure of a party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of such provision or of the right to enforce such provision. Where To Get Help In addition to this printed manual, this program contains a complete User's Guide on the CD-ROM. To access the online User's Guide, click on the Director's Chair User's Guide icon. The User's Guide should answer your questions about this program. If you do not find the answer to your question in the User's Guide, please contact us at the numbers below. Before calling Knowledge Adventure, please be seated at your computer. You can also read commonly asked technical questions and answers (among other things) on the Knowledge Adventure Bulletin Board System (BBS). You can talk to us be phone, fax or mail: Phone: (818) 246-4400 Fax: (818) 246-5604 Bulletin Board System: (818) 246-4830 (1,200-14,400 BPS,N,8,1) CompuServe: GO KNOWADV Internet: World Wide Web: Technical Support and Automated Help: (818) 246-4811 Help is available through our automated line 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Mail: Knowledge Adventure, Inc., 1311 Grand Central Ave., Glendale, CA 91201